Recovered documents from "Eric/Documents" posted August 17th 2011

August 10, 2011

2:57 AM

Summary: I'll be keep this document updated with any information I gather from Michael's computer. Right now I've tried "virus" "72" "72hours" "time" and "ticktock" as the passwords but there is no luck. If somehow I figure out what his password is I'll post my findings. Until then... -Shaun

August 28, 2011

1:50 AM

Update #2: I am sorry for not being attentive. I have been having a hard time sleeping and focusing. When I do sleep its for solid blocks of twenty or more hours. This is draining.

I have unlocked two documents since my last post

The first one is hard to read. Its directed towards me, and its from Patrick. It is just called "Shaun." Based on what it says, it was written while the events of Patrick's "Going Away Present" were happening. The password was, just as simply, "Shawn." Its spelled the same way that Michael used to spell it when he would write letters to me when we were kids. This was before he could spell well. This bastard is in my brother's head. He knows everything Michael knows. Thank you "Unknown" on the forum for stirring up that memory.

May 27th, 2011


If you are reading this, that means that you finally wised up and decided to take a look at this unrelenting babble that your brother has hidden deep inside of his computer. Now, I haven't been able to read all of it seeing as Mikey has decided that he wants to hide things from me. I don't know how he did it, but I'll give credit to the angsty little bastard, because it takes some focus to hide ANYTHING he does from me.

At this very moment, you are tied up in the basement. I would like to take a second here and apologize for that. I am not and have never claimed to be a fan of bondage; frankly I don't get the appeal and it disturbs me a bit. I'd also like to apologize for dropping this whole bomb on you out of the blue, but to be honest; you would probably try to fuck up my plans if I tried this any other way.

I was going to get you the book entitled So Your Brother Suffers from Dissociative Personality Disorder for Dummies, but I didn't ping you as much of a reader and they were fresh out at the bookstore. So, I figured that this heartfelt letter would suffice.

I really have no issues with you though, as long as you make the right choice and stay out of my way. Mikey promised that if you came home that "everything would get better and we would fight this thi-blahblahblah," but I can assure you that if you stand in my way, things can and will get much, much worse.

I have found a way to save your brother. I know that hogtying you up in the basement isn't any form of orthodox treatment, but it was necessary. If you couldn't see the scars on his arms or legs, his frequent overdosing on his medication, or his constant, lingering depression then that is an issue with yourself. Maybe get your eyes checked. But seriously, Michael is killing himself. I'm sure that is the last thing that you want to see, and I sure as hell am not going down without a fight.

This is the only way to do that Shaun. So stay out of my way. I'll make sure to call and write if I feel like talking. XXOOetc.

-Patrick Andersen

PS. Send my regards to Eric. It's nothing against the guy, honestly. I just would rather see him in a body bag than up and walking.

The password for the second document, entitled "The Alley," (Just like the video it seems to be describing) was "losttime." Thanks to Kamades and androssganon.

March 30, 2011

I blacked out and it was all on tape.

I have almost recollection of ever calling Eric, meeting up with him, or driving downtown. I was filming in that video, I was talking, I was running, and I can only see clips in my head. I had no control.

I am terrified to tell anyone about this. I sure as hell can't contact my doctor, even though he hasn't gotten back to me in about a month and most likely wouldn't care. Shaun would stay wherever he is at and never come back. Eric would call the police.

He won't answer his phone.

What did I do to him? What did "it" do to him? I cannot get that final image on that video out of my head. The way it cranes its neck, it was toying with us.

This isn't the same thing that I dealt with as a kid. From watching that video I can feel it, something has changed. It has never threatened me like that.

I know it isn't all in my head now and at least I can try to sleep with that in mind. But I don't want to sleep. What if I wake up somewhere else? What if I burned the house down?

The only thing I can relate this feeling to is some parts of my time in the hospital. The drugs would put me out for days sometimes. I would have this feeling, afterword, like I hadn't been out at all. People would talk like they had spoken to me that previous night, even though my doctors had assured me that I hadn't left my room.

I'm losing my grip. I can't let this happen again. I need Shaun back. I need him to help me. I need him to make sure I don't hurt someone. I can't hurt him. I would never hurt him. I did hurt him. I promise I won't do it ever again. He needs to help me find out what is happening. I can't do this without him. I need him.



August 16, 2011

3:17 AM

Update #1: Found a document labeled "Feb. 2nd 2011"

Feb. 2, 2011

I keep having the same recurring dream. It isn't the one that I have been talking about. The bit with the clock, and the two versions of me has changed; morphed into this simple, terrifying experience that flashes in front of my eyes every single time I close them.

It's just the clock, sitting in that clearing in New Hampshire. The roots have overtaken it and it has sunken into the dirt. But it just sits there, like it always did. That isn't the point though. This just means that it is starting again. As much as I fight back and deny it, this whole thing is happening just like it did sixteen years ago. I can't see it ending any other way

I don't want to tell Shaun. He wouldn't want to hear it if I did. I don't think that he would even remember, seeing as he seemed to block out every detail from the time before my parents put me in.

Shaun and I were really young when we found it. We stumbled across it playing in the woods like we always did and, being kids, thought nothing of it. It was broken, chipped, faded, and looked like it had been burned, but it still ticked.

I remember using it as a base during one of our snowball fights, chunks of ice bouncing right off the bent hands and the broken glass, but still hearing the constant "tick-tock...tick tock." I think that might have been the first time that we saw him. Shaun thought it was Dad trying to call us in for dinner, but I knew at first that something was different.

The thing is, he never once threatened us. He never motioned for us, called for us, or so much as moved until we tried to go towards him.

But I felt weird around him. Whenever he was around I would become angry with Shaun, and supposedly lash out. Shaun has told me over and over again that he was so sure about what happened that day before Mom and Dad put me in, but I can't remember any of it. We were in the woods, and in the ambulance the next minute. He wouldn't even look at me, even as they took me away. I hurt him, and I don't know why or how.

That is why this scares me so much. The man can stand there all he wants, and I am fine with that. But I am losing time again, and that terrifies me. It only happens once or twice a week, but I am waking up on my couch with dirt staining my feet after going to bed in my room. I want it to be a side effect of the pills so badly, but I know that whatever happened before is happening again. There is nothing I can do to stop it.

- Michael

Turns out the password for this one folder was "theclock". Makes sense because this is the only document I was able to access. Need to find the passwords to the other documents now. I might need help.
