The deleted video

Posted on October 31st 2016 and deleted on January 17th 2011

Currently available on the internet archive

Title: -------------------------------









Video transcription

The video starts with probably either Michael or Patrick holding the camera and walking up to a house with a chair outside the front door. The camera pans around, looking into the windows but it's hard to make out anything other than some lights and a door. The person walks back to the chair and places down a paper with an oval shape on it. They walk back out into the street, illuminated slightly by a green light. The light turns off and the video ends.

< It's possible that the drawing depicts slenderman's featureless face.

Title and description

In all honesty - I have no clue what these dashes mean. I tried multiple ways of deciphering whatever the description could mean but I never came to any conclusion. I'm honestly not even sure it has a meaning. But it seems far too specific for it to be a bunch of random dashes. So I really don't know.

The title has 31 dashes - possibly connected to the upload date of October 31st.

The description has 7 lines with the following number of dashes:

  • Line 1: 15
  • Line 2: 6
  • Line 3: 7
  • Line 4: 20
  • Line 5: 7
  • Line 6: 14
  • Line 7: 5 and 6 separated by a 0 (together 11)

What really makes me think is the repeating number 7 - if you were to assign each number a letter, 7 could possibly be a vowel appearing twice in a word. The zero also seems far too specific.

I tried to use several methods of decoding. My first thought was to use the A1Z26 cipher where each number corresponds with a letter. But the outcome was nonsensical. I tried to run this new string of letters through other decoding methods, trying the ceasar cipher and a few others but that didn't work either.

My next thought was using the numbers or letters as a part of a youtube link but I felt like that was a bit of a reach. Still I didn't find anything relevant and I'm afraid if it was a link the video is probably also deleted now.

So basically,, I got nothing. But it was still fun to try!