WARNING! this website is a work in progress and many pages are not fully finished! If you see half-written paragraphs or an empty screen that's why - feel free to browse anyway :)

Hello! Welcome to my website :)

I'm a 20yo guy and I love to share my inner most thoughts so that's what this place is. Like a common place book except online! Lately I've gotten pretty fed up with the state of the internet and after being haunted by twitter bots for far too long I said enough is enough - and made this site.

Check out these pages!

What can I find here?

My website is dedicated to my interests, thoughts, art and anything else I decide to put here. If that sounds like something you'd enjoy feel free to explore!

Internet Blink Exchange
Member of the Internet Blink Exchange

Feeling adventurous? Click here to be sent to a random part of my site!

To do:

  • Rework topics page
  • Add to the slenderverse page
  • Finish all the IWTV pages
  • "Other" page
  • Make a nostalgia page
  • Finish all the half-written things on here
  • Rework some css