Hello! Welcome to my website :)
I'm a 20yo guy and I love to share my inner most thoughts so that's what this place is. Like a common place book except online! Lately I've gotten pretty fed up with the state of the internet and after being haunted by twitter bots for far too long I said enough is enough - and made this site.

What can I find here?
My website is dedicated to my interests, thoughts, art and anything else I decide to put here. If that sounds like something you'd enjoy feel free to explore!

Feeling adventurous? Click here to be sent to a random part of my site!
To do:

Rework topics page- Add to the slenderverse page
- Finish all the IWTV pages
- "Other" page
- Make a nostalgia page
- Finish all the half-written things on here
- Rework some css