My Nostalgia Page

If it wasn't obvious by now, I am a VERY nostalgic person. I think it's partially because of the way the world is these days and partially because my personal life has been full of changes lately and I'm sort of wishing I could return to the simpler time that was my childhood. Here are some things that make me think of those time, hope you enjoy!

Windows 7

I, like a lot of people, have very fond memories of using Windows XP but to be honest, Windows 7 is probably even more nostalgic for me. This was the Windows version I had on my first computer and the one I spent the most amount of time on. My formative years were defined by unrestricted internet access and Windows 7. I love the visuals of it (as you can see lol) and it just holds a lot of fond memories.

Media player

Flash games

Old YouTube

Internet horror

McDonald's toys

Music Player