
My most beloved genre. This page contains my favorite sub-genres, tropes, specific movies and other things I enjoy!

I've loved horror since I was pretty young. The first horror movie I distinctly remember was actually The Conjuring which I still feel sort of attached even though I haven't seen it in years. Back then me and my cousin used to look up things like "scariest horror movies of (insert year we were currently in)" and we'd just go to town, pirating whatever we fancied in the moment. I loved the "cheap" scares, every jumpscare gave me that rush of excitement and I became a bit of a junkie in that way. I still look back on that mid-2010s era of horror very fondly even if it was a bit crappy at times. I had fun, that was all that mattered.

These days I'd say horror movies are going through a bit of a new era. If the 2010's were full of loud jumpscares and supernatural scares, now we're in a more artsy, sophisticated and sort of deeper era. The movies these days often dive a bit deeper - exploring traumas, psychology, societal issues - all that was of course always a part of horror but now it all seems very thought out and sort of more professional. With that horror is also becoming a more of a respected genre in the mainstream and there are new ideas and experimental works appearing nearly every day which I am so happy about!!

The mention of topics explored in horror brings me to another reason, other than the thrill of it all, why I love the genre so much. Horror has never really shied away from taboos. When you go back you can find things such as explorations of queer identities in horror way before it was accepted in other media and genres. Gays love their horror, and I think there's a good reason why. When you're made to believe there's something wrong with you - a rejected and feared monster might just be something you find relatable. Then there's also stuff like the seemingly inherent bisexuality that comes with vampires as a whole, actual gay horror where the queer characters were often depicted as the villains but hey again sometimes that's the best thing you get (plus I could talk about the topic of "evil/bad" gay representation for days but that's for another day).

Other than that there's also the intersection with the taboos of sex/erotic themes, psychology and mental health, allegories about society and other things that make the genre very complex and honestly underrated in the more traditional cinema world. You don't really see horror being critically acclaimed but I think we're on a good path.

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My favorite horror moviesSub-genres and tropesExploring queer horrorOther horror media (internet, books, games,..)