Interview with the vampire 
Oh boy... So first of all this will have spoilers for like everything including some things from the books (which I haven't read but I have collected various pieces of information from other people lol). So yeah I wanna go through both seasons, throw out my opinions and refuse to elaborate ~ enjoy!!
Season one
To start this off: I went into this show pretty blind. I was haunted by my best friend for at least a year telling me I should watch it but I just never got around to it. I mean how good could it be, right? I saw the movie with Brad Pitt and I wasn't too captured. I was so wrong, oh my GOD. Things that I knew before starting it were: it's queer, it has vampires in it and it's really good. Already a promising start and after that I was hooked from the first episode.
The first season was great, zero complaints, though I actually think season two was even better (but I'll get to that). Immediately I loved Louis' character, he along with Claudia were my favorites this season. I also loved Daniel, I think his scenes were absolutely perfect and I adore him with my whole soul. Now comes the controversial part: I didn't love Lestat. Not that he's badly written or acted, the exact opposite actually he is INCREDIBLE but I had beef with him that simply cannot be ignored. But again I'll get more in depth in a bit. So first impressions: it was wayy more explicitely queer than I thought and I once again love the show for it. The movie relies way more on subtext and it's probably mostly because of the time in which it was made - now that gay acceptance in media is more common I love that the creators didn't shy away from it. So yeah as a gay man myself this was a huge win. I mean I hate to say it because of how shallow it sounds but the show is pretty damn hot. Another thing that I realized is just how complex a lot of it is, many of those things I only found out about on my second viewing which is always a treat. Now let's get more into the details!!